What is Self-Love Coaching?
If you type out the words “self-love”, you will find several beautiful images and descriptions of what it means. Some believe self-love is gratitude, whereas others associate it with acceptance. Interestingly, love is often projected externally from others in almost every social media platform we consume. We are programmed to love our neighbours as ourselves. We tend to overgive. We learn to accept others despite their flaws and red flags because we love THEM sometimes more than we even love ourselves.
It may sound cliche – we all understand that we must whole-heartedly love ourselves first to be in any healthy relationship. But, many people don’t know where to start. Many cannot reach authentic self-love as it has to be a heart transformation, not just a logical choice. A self-love coach combined with daily rituals can help if you struggle with this process.
So, what does a self-love coach do exactly?
The first and foremost task is to help people, listen, and provide solutions. But isn’t that the baseline for every coach? Not exactly. For example, a life coach focuses on working on a particular aspect of their clients’ life such as goal setting. A marriage coach may be hired to help someone with their ability to love and trust others. A transformation coach helps a client overcome a transitionary period and move forward, whereas a self-love coach focuses primarily on thy self.
Self-love coaches are often sought out when people realize that they have a problem. They can see a pattern, how self-sabotaging thoughts or limiting beliefs are running the show and are getting in the way of success. The issue is known, but the individual does not know how to stop or perhaps move forward with their dreams and vision.
Sometimes I hear these statements to explain why a client feels blocked from realizing self-love:
- My childhood trauma…
- I have not received healthy love from others in the past or experienced a toxic relationship.
- I was abused physically/mentally, or even sexually and made to feel that it was my fault and feel very hurt.
- I feel guilty/selfish or ungodly practicing self-love.
- I base my worth on how others perceive me.
A self-love coach can enable those struggling to get past these blocks to live life in balance and harmony. A self-love coach is accountable for helping you understand your potential, set achievable goals, identify limiting beliefs, overcome them, evolve new thoughts, and keep you focused on your personal and professional dreams. Ultimately, a self-love coach is responsible for pulling the gold out of you!
Are you ready to start truly loving yourself? Click here to book your free 30-minute clarity call with me!
Rena XO