The Correlation Between Money & Self-Love
Some claim that money is not emotional. They’ll say that the key to financial success is to take the emotions out of business. While this may be true for them, it is not the case for me; money is emotional. We’ve forgotten that emotions such as love and compassion are needed to build a thriving economy.
When we perceive money as an instrument for expressing love and compassion, our approach to financial interactions shift. With time, I have realized that the more I love myself, the more I am rewarded financially. I’ve learned that my net worth is directly tied to my self-worth.
How your self-worth can determine your net worth
While your net worth is not your self-worth, how you perceive yourself can influence your bottom line. Remember, your self-worth dictates what you feel you deserve in life. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t feel worthy of receiving wealth. On the contrary, if you think highly of yourself, you’ll feel worthy of abundance.
Your self-worth will make a world of difference when you apply for jobs, negotiate your salary, request a raise, or go for a promotion. If you’re an entrepreneur, your self-worth will impact how you set your prices, how aggressively you follow up with prospects, and what boundaries you put in place with your clients.
When your self-worth is high, you’ll take risks, ask for more money, believe fully in your abilities, and set appropriate boundaries. When your self-worth is low, the reverse of those things will happen. In any case, you’ll ultimately see the results, or lack thereof, in your bank account.
Amplifying net worth following your divine purpose
Many people jump straight to the action. They focus on taking the physical steps necessary to boost net worth. Entirely concentrating on the physical measures is only one part of the equation because our beliefs drive our behaviors.
If we love our planet, then our purchases should reflect our desire to defend it. If we care for our community, our investments should support local businesses. If we love ourselves, then our financial decisions should be in line with our dreams and the highest vision we have for ourselves. If you stay true to your divine purpose, your intentions come from the purest place, which is when true abundance takes shape.
Steps I take to boost self-love
- Reading my daily affirmations, writing, and repeating them.
- Working out regularly to ground myself both mentally and physically.
- Journaling goals and keeping accountable by revising them daily.
- Reading books on wealth and business – Think and Grow Rich and Science of Getting Rich.
What are some of the practices you do to promote self-love around money and business?