Trusting yourself takes time. When you don’t trust yourself, you will be out of alignment. Strengthening trust takes effort and exemplary commitment to the journey, and I have learned to love the process. Trusting yourself will reduce your need for external approval and increase your self-confidence. It can even deepen your connection with others as people want to connect to other authentic hearts.
It’s easy to lose confidence if you forget to take care of yourself in the hustle of being an entrepreneur, partner or mother. You need to make sure you set aside some time to pursue your desires, hobbies or other pleasures. If you get burnt out at work, as I used to because I didn’t create space, this can create frustration and self-doubt. When I started to respect my values, needs and wants, I began to deepen my self-trust as I wasn’t putting others’ needs before my own. Building trust in yourself can help boost your decision-making skills and self-confidence. This can make life feel a little easier and much more enjoyable. Here are some tips to help you learn how to trust yourself:
- Journalling
Find a lovely and quiet place where you won’t be interrupted for at least 20 minutes. Take out a pretty journal, pen and write a list of your most critical private thoughts, desires, interests, and wonderful talents you possess. Write at least two things for each category. Bring this list out whenever you are doubtful or pessimistic about reminding yourself of your positive qualities, beauty and divinity. This can be difficult at first, but I promise this is the best-kept secret to getting close to you and diving into trust.
- Keeping Promises to Yourself
Another essential aspect of self-trust is to keep promises made to yourself. To trust yourself, you have to be your own best friend. What would you do for her? A good friend keeps promises; this means keeping promises made to yourself. Making a commitment and sticking to it will build that trust. Start small and be consistent until good habits take the route. For example, if you make a promise to yourself to go to bed earlier or to take a short walk every evening, keep that promise just like you would keep a promise to meet a friend.
- Learn to Say No
This one is huge for most women, as there are so many sticky emotions around saying no, but this gets easier over time. Establishing healthy boundaries, especially if you feel pressured to say yes to something, will help you trust yourself more. If you don’t have the time or energy for something, it’s OK to say no thank you respectfully.
- Reducing Negative Self-Talk
One of my favourites is reducing negative self-talk, which is an ongoing practice for everyone. I often share with my clients that it’s OK to have a weak moment of negativity but to not stay there – that’s the key. Instead of speaking to yourself negatively, zeroing in on all the things about yourself that you don’t like, try to focus on your positive attributes. If you make a mistake, reassure yourself that you can make a different choice in future and surrender to the process. For example, the next time you make a mistake, instead of telling yourself, “You’re so stupid,” say to yourself, “It’s OK, all is well. It’s not a big deal”, or “OK, it was a big mistake, but I will learn from it and do better next time.”
Remember strengthening trust takes effort and commitment. Don’t give up if things go wrong or start to doubt yourself. Commit to continually work towards trusting yourself, even if there are some speed bumps along the way. You are worthy, and beautiful my love.
Love Rena