To choose yourself means drawing your boundaries and staying true to yourself. It means standing up for yourself and refusing to negotiate what’s important to you. It means overcoming the fear of confrontation to call out disrespectful behaviours or stepping back from what no longer serves you—all the while honouring your uniqueness.
It means not allowing others to tell you what’s okay and acceptable for YOU, instead using YOUR voice, stepping back and giving yourself space when your values are compromised.
It’s healthy to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings. If it doesn’t feel good – there’s a reason. Contrastly, if it feels good – then go for it!
It’s critical to feel whole no matter how undone you might be in someone else’s eyes. We must learn to know we are enough, more than enough; even when the whole world says no to you, you keep saying yes to yourself and moving forward.
Give yourself the respect you deserve and express your thoughts to others with confidence. Sometimes this might lead to conflict, disapproval or even rejection, but don’t attach yourself to fear. Once you choose yourself and do what’s right for you, the universe will support you, and those who don’t will drift away naturally, leaving space for your supporters.
To choose yourself means building a life and prosperous business that works best for you without compromising your values. It means believing in your ability, purpose, gifts and passions when no one else does and embracing every fibre of who you are.
To choose yourself is to break through the limits others put on you and decide for yourself when is enough. Your life is to be lived by your rules. And, your powers are meant to work for you, not against you.
This acceptance will allow you to create a world where you are true to yourself; in turn, you will feel loved, important, safe, comfortable, and valued. Choose yourself, and in this beautiful practice, you free yourself, and the rest will follow naturally with less resistance and deeper connections.
I love you!
Rena Xo